Dean Melbourne | Artist & Coach | Artist Studio Visits | Portraits & Brand Photography

A beautiful shoot with Dean Melbourne Artist and Coach.

If you’re thinking, “I couldn’t do that, I’m uncomfortable having my photograph taken”.

I say “rubbish”.

You wouldn’t guess it but Dean wasn’t too confident either. We worked together beforehand to ensure we create an experience which he enjoyed and felt able to explore how we told him story and brought out his GOLD.

Dean’s story and how we worked together to show it;

His coaching and practice are almost the same thing. And his practice and experience really qualifies his work as a coach. It felt obvious and right to shoot in his Stourbridge studio, surrounded by paintings and where he felt comfortable. Even more importantly, it’s great to shoot where there’s a kettle, toilet and snacks are close by.

Dean shares the tools he has learnt from his experience to help people achieve their version of success and enjoys being able to help and support the creatives he works with. Therefore showing this relaxed, friendly and confident side to Dean was vital.

There are calmness about Dean; and generally about people who think for a living and he’s brilliant at looking things with a fresh perspective, a creative gaze. I wanted to get this stylish, creative coolness across in the portraits. His approach is holistic and I encouraged him to bring outfits that reflected all the side of him, from overalls, to heels.

Dean’s personal mix of artist and businessman sits perfectly with my own practice and meant it was an easy collaboration. From experience he empathised with the exploration of sole traders and artists to balance the two.

Here’s a snippet of his questionnaire answers…

What three words describe your design style?: Disarming, infectious, intelligent.

What/who inspires your work?: The people who have helped me

Why do your clients enjoy working with you?: Because I try to be real with them. Because I tell them what’s great about them and what might need improvement. I listen intently. That’s enough sometimes.

What 3 songs would you take to a desert island and why?: Vissi D’darte Maria Callas. It makes me soar. Reminds me of the the grander scale and the power of sheer beauty.

Once - Pearl Jam. Deeply intense, full of heart and feels like riding a motorbike. It’s dark.

Anything by Goldfrapp - sometimes I need to lighten up and feel feminine.

What story are we telling?: I’m a real person, you can trust me, I’m credible. I’m not a cock!

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Alva Leigh | Musician, Mother & Badass | Portraiture/Personal Branding